Upon completing the degree, the student will be able to:

PEO – 1 Analyse social and environmental aspects with professional values, ethics and equity to transform the learned and acquired knowledge, skills, and expertise to the community.

PEO – 2 Involve in lifelong learning to adapt educational needs in a changing world to maintain their competency and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in a multi-disciplinary environment.

PEO – 3 Learn to adapt to a rapidly changing environment with learned and applied new Skills.

PEO – 4 This programme will equip the candidate to be socially responsible and value driven citizens committed to sustainable development.

PEO – 5 To inculcate the spirit of teamwork, integrity, professional values so that the student will be able to perform effectively in an organizational set up or on their own entrepreneurial ventures.


PO – 1 Demonstrate the ability to perform professionally in organizations or start-ups.

PO – 2 Perform in a social, cultural, and ethical responsibility as an individual or as a member of a team in a professional manner.

PO – 3 Exude positive attitude in all the sectors and are willing to support any professional initiatives with a positive mind-set.

PO – 4 Adapt to sustain in the emerging era and constantly upgrade skills towards independent and lifelong learning.

PO – 5 Communicate complex concepts with professionalism by adapting appropriate resources and modern tools.

PO – 6 Able to document their participation and contribution to student organizations, business or consulting projects, internship opportunities or other initiatives.

PO – 7 Able to conceptualize, organize and resolve complex business problems or issues by using the resources available under their discretion

PO – 8 Understand the impact of the professional management solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

PO – 9 Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the management practice.

PO – 10 Able to identify, assess and shape entrepreneurial opportunities and to evaluate their potential for business success.


PSO 1 Apply the knowledge gained during the program to identify, Formulate and solve real life problems to meet the core competency with continuous up.

PSO 2 Apply the knowledge of ethical and management principles required to work in a team with stewardship of the society.

PSO 3 Consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge into practical skills and wisdom.

PSO 4 Discharge his/her social responsibility to the community at large and participate in volatile and disaster situations.


Department Contact Info

Master of Business Administration
HOD : Chippy RS
Theppupara P.O, Adoor Pathanamthitta


Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M.

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